Audrey Downey - Designer full-stack developer
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Far'n Beyond

Far'n Beyond Landing Page

About this project

A simple landing page using NextJS 13 & Contentful as headless CMS

About This Project

Far’n Beyond is a metal band from Helsinki. They previously had a Wordpress website that served as a simple landing page, but they needed a redesign, as well as a more cost effective solution for hosting. The band members also needed a solution that would allow each of them to manage the content by themselves.

In order to save on hosting costs, I decided to host the new website using Vercel, and to build using Contentful as a headless CMS and NextJS 13.

Then the band needed to be able to change the hero section and customize the calls-to-action so they would be able to promote their new releases on their landing page. The cover image, titles, descriptions and call to actions are fully customizable through the Contentful interface. The website’s about section is also customizable, as well as the member’s list.

Contentful Dashboard

Future Updates

In order to give the band more flexibility and options, I plan on implementing a way for them to create new pages, a contact form section, as well as a blog, and manage pages in the menu above, but for the time being, this current solution fulfills their needs.