Audrey Downey - Designer full-stack developer
Audrey Downey - Designer full-stack developer

Designer & Full-Stack Web Developer

🚀✨ Hi, my name is Audrey and I'm a full-stack developer and UI/UX Designer based in Helsinki. I love building beautiful web tools that inspire creativity.

My tech stack


Here are some of the tools I have used on different projects.

UI/UX Design

Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Affinity, Canva, Pro Create, Inkscape.


React, NextJS 13, Typescript, Tailwind, Radix UI, Astro.

Back-end & Database

NextJS 13, SSR with React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB.

CMS & E-Commerce

Contentful, Shopify, Wordpress, Woocommerce.

Deployment & Hosting, Vercel, Github Pages

Others Tools

Git, Github, VSCode, DaVinci Resolve, Pro Tools, Studio One


Top projects I have worked on

Let's get in touch!

If you're looking for a developer to join your team or help you build your web project, get in touch with me!